Some Code Smells

Duplicated Code
Duplicated code is a recipe for disaster, as it's almost always the case that during maintenance the two fragments will start to diverge. Extract a method with the common code and invoke it from the various duplication locations.
Long Method
Long methods put too much of a burden on short term memory. Try to extract sections of code as private methods and call these methods. A decent heuristic is to look for sections with a header comment - the comment may suggest an appropriate method name.
Large Class
Large classes are almost always in indication of low cohesion (and possibly high coupling). Try refactoring into two or more independent classes.
Long Parameter Lists
This is often an indication that the wrong object has been assigned some responsibility - probably one of the objects in the parameter list. Alternatively, the parameters may represent a coherent concept that should be encapsulated in a new class.
Switch Statements
Switch statements are often indications of the use of a "type code" to determine what processing should be done. Consider the use of polymorphism to dispatch to the appropriate algorithm. If the switch statement is only a piece of a larger method, try to extract the switch statement into its own method which will then be a Template Method (GOF) in an abstract super-class.
Speculative Generality
If a method solves a more general problem than is necessary, and if as a result the method becomes long and/or complex, consider backing off to an algorithm that solves the actual problem at hand. Of course the use of generality to create a more general and simpler algorithm is encouraged.
Temporary Field
An instance variable that is assigned a value before it is referenced in all methods is really a temporary variable in disguise. Remove the instance variable and insert a local variable in those methods that use it.
Message Chains
Long chains of method calls to values returned by other method calls couple and object to the navigation structure currently supported by its direct connections. Try shielding the current object from such navigation by providing helper methods in the direct connection objects. By the way, this is essentially a restatement of the Law of Demeter.
Data Class
A data class is one supporting only simple accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) methods. This is often an indication that some other classes (or possibly a single class) is the focal point for all the interesting behavior in the system. Look to refactoring by moving responsibilities out of behavior classes to data classes.

These are just a few of the code smells you should avoid. For more on code smells, visit and/or read  Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler, Addison-Wesley, 1999.

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