Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 7

14 Oct 2013

Last Week

This past week we matured our data collection plan. We made a final decision on pursuing the Chromium database as our main source of information as opposed to scraping the web pages. Please see Danielle’s post for more details.

This Week

We further investigated our data collection plan particularly focusing on the decision of utilizing the Chromium database for retrieving information. We decided to focus our efforts on the Git log files for Chromium data. We drafted a tentative list of attributes from the log files we would like to store in order to produce our research findings.

In addition, every member gave their updates on their findings and tasks. We addressed some key questions that will prove very helpful to our research in terms of the Roles of developers ranging from Owners to Authors and the relationship between them.

Next Week

Next week our goal is to continue to narrow down data collection strategies (regarding the programming implementations) as well as define what subset of data we will be collecting and restricting ourselves to.

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