Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 6 - Queries

04 Mar 2014


We have developed a series of questions to brainstorm what kind of information we want to pull from our database in order to prove our research points:

  • What is the optimal amount of conversation surrounding a particular review?
  • Did a reviewer overlook a problem in the code?
  • What is the experience of any particular developer?
  • Was a correction made as a result of the code review?
  • Are the invited reviewers participating?

Throughout this week and last week we will be developing these questions further, trying to come up with solid metrics we can use to prove our answers and hypothesis.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

Another interesting thing we have been looking at is Security Vulnerabilities and their corresponding reviews. We can make these connections via CVE numbers. You can read more about them here. We can scrape a lot of these CVE pages to find the specific review url that they refer to, but sometimes it is not as easy. Another task we are trying to tackle this week is manually looking through all of the CVEs that are not easily scraped to see if there is a viable connection to the Chromium project that is worth including in our study.

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