Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 9 - Familiarity and Objectivity

03 Apr 2014


One of the metrics that we would like to observe is a familiarity index between the author is the code being reviewed, and each of the reviewers. This would involve analyzing the number of times the two developers haved worked together in the past. We are currently trying to define what we mean by “worked together”. Here is an example of one possible scenario that we currently thinks makes the most sense when analyzing this metric:

Chris initiates a code review and asks Danielle and Brian to join. He has prior experience with both of them. Brian <–15–> Chris <–10–> Danielle

  • Total familiarity for this code review: 25
  • Max fam for this code review: 15
  • Min fam for this code review: 10
  • Avg fam for this code review: 12.5


We could also use an objectivity metric to determine how much of an outside presense the group had. The objectivity metric would just be the developer relationship with the lowest familiarity number. Objectivity (aka being unfamiliar with the author) is good because it will give a unique perspective to the group, and will be looking for different things in the review.

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