Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 10 Status

31 Oct 2014

Team Work Summary

Our team is continuing to focus on natural language processing and code ownership. Our team is making progress on both fronts. In additon to that, we have begun to find the major and minor contibutors in our data. To find whether the developer is a major or minor contibutor, we plan to calculate the aggregated churn from the number of non-trivial commits a developer has made to a file. This week I met with Danielle and Richard to make sure that they are loading developers emails (our way of identifying unique developers) the right way. Richard and Danielle willbe loading emails for owners with our search or add function on developers. This will make sure that the developers found in OWNERS are being properly added, or properly matched if we already have their data.

Major and Minor Contributors

To find whether the developer is a major or minor contibutor, we plan to calculate the aggregated churn from the number of non-trivial commits a developer has made to a file. To find what a non-trivial commit is we are aggregating churn over each commit. Once we analyze the churn, will determine what a non-trivial commit looks like. I have been working on getting a script that searches a repo for churnover commits working for our project.

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