Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 3 Status

15 Feb 2015

Team Update

We’ve all been working on similar stuff as last week. Brian worked more with NLP. He spent some of his time re scraping the ACM for category weights and then also implemented the vocab parser and loader. Felivel has been working on being able to submit his MSR paper using the bug data we’ve been gathering. Richard has been doing more with ownership. This week he started on implementing the average time to ownership metric. I split my work this week between teaching our system to someone new and working on the loader for the gathered interactive churn. We still have not figured out a way to gather interactive churn data in a reasonable time, but I was able to get some work done on the loader, since we have a small set of the data.

We added someone new to the team

Samantha Oxley, a Computer Science student at RIT was added to our team this week. Samantha and I will be working on a new area of research for soon, but for now I’m getting her up to date on our code base and terminology.

Samantha offered a fresh new look at the system, so once I got her up to speed we talked about some research questions we could ask about the data we have.

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