Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 4 Status

22 Feb 2015

Team Work Summary

We got slowed down a little bit this week, but progress has still been made. Richard has been working on implementing the average time to ownership metric. Alvaro chipped away at the implementing major and minor contributors. And I tried to implement libgit2/rugged as an attempt to get Git blame working faster. After talking to Professor Meneely I decided to not use rugged.

Thoughts on working closely in a team

This week I’ve continued to get Samantha acquainted with our system. We’ve focused more on the schema and the relations between our models than we did last week. I’ve really enjoyed explaining the work I did over the summer, and teaching Sam how everything worked together. Most of the work we did together was querying the database. I showed Samantha how ActiveRecord works, but she is more comfortable with just writing SQL queries.

Being a Software Engineering student, I’ve had to learn how to work in teams. However I don’t often work one-on-one for a long period of time with a peer. It’s been really fun working with Sam. We have very different styles of thinking. Where I focus more on the how to write the code and small research questions relating directly to data we have, Samantha looks the big picture. Sometimes it’s frustrating having different styles of thinking, but mostly it’s refreshing. Working together we come up with things we may have not on our own.

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