-------------- Meeting Aganda -------------- -------------------- DATE: JAN 24th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Templates: When the faculty member creates templates (set of questions), should these templates be available to all the faculty member or should only be available to the faculty member who created them. -If we make them global then our database would be full of all kinds of different templates and might be an issue in maintaining. Where as if we don't make templates global then no two professors can share their set of questions. (Both approaches have their benefits and setbacks.) 2. We had spoken about different levels of access for our application (Peer Evaluation System) namely: Student, Faculty, Help desk and Admin. Now is there a way to know as to what kind of user is trying to access the application? One option would be to have Help desk and Admins users access information to be stored locally in our application. And only the faculty and the student info will be stored on the online learning server. 3. This is a UI based questions but, plays an important part in the flow of the whole application. Option 1: When the faculty member logs in he would see a list of all the courses offered by him in that particular quarter. Then in order to create a evaluation for that course the professor will have to select that particular course and then create a evaluation on the bases of "Group Topics" information received from the myCourses server. Option 2: When the faculty member logs on he/she would see the options of creating and analysing evaluations. The faculty member could first create a evaluation independent of the course it's for then at the end associate it with one of the courses taught by him. And, while analysing all the evaluations everything will be sorted on the basis of courses taught by the the faculty member. 4. Will be able to access the Group Type information from Mycourses database. -------------------- DATE: JAN 26th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Meeting with Richard. -------------------- DATE: JAN 31th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Schedule presentation time with richard and Prof. Tom () 2. Ask Prof. and Richard abt the "Change Submission Option" (NO) 3. Instructor requests to send evaluation results to the students.(OPTIONAL) 4. Rate yourself or not (OPTIONAL) -------------------- DATE: FEB 02nd, 2006 -------------------- 1. SRS Complete and Frozen 2. Use Cases Complete and Frozen 3. Schedule Update (Requirements Prioritization) 4. Design - Overview -------------------- DATE: FEB 07th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Detailed Design 2. Brief talk about week 10 Presentation 3. Interim Sponsor Evaluation - To be completed before week 10. -------------------- DATE: FEB 09th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Design Discussion 2. End of Term Presentation 3. Discuss Data Access Layer -------------------- DATE: FEB 09th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Meet Prof. Lutz and get his feedback 2. Data Access Layer 3. End of Term Presentation and Evaluations. -------------------- DATE: Feb 14th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Week 10 Presentation Planning 2. Worked on End of Term Evaluations. -------------------- DATE: Feb 16th, 2006 -------------------- 1. Week 10 Review Planning 2. Requirements Prioritization 3. Sprint One Planning Started -------------------- DATE: Feb 21th, 2006 -------------------- 1.Interim Presentations -------------------- DATE: Feb 23rd, 2006 -------------------- 1.Interim Presentations -------------------------------------------- DATE: Mar 06th, 2006 TO Mar 12th, 2006 BREAK -------------------------------------------- -------------------- DATE: Mar 13th, 2006 -------------------- 1.Sprint One Implementation -Presentation Layer -Data Access Layer -------------------- DATE: Mar 15th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -------------------- DATE: Mar 20th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -------------------- DATE: Mar 22th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Ldap Authentication Discussion -------------------- DATE: Mar 27th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Ldap Authentication Meeting with Online Learning -------------------- DATE: Mar 29th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -LDap Authentication -Port to .NET 2.0 -------------------- DATE: Apr 03th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Port to .NET 2.0 -------------------- DATE: Apr 05th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Ldap Authentication -------------------- DATE: Apr 10th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Release 1 Planning -------------------- DATE: Apr 12th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Release One Out -------------------- DATE: Apr 17th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Release 2 Planning -------------------- DATE: Apr 19th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Detailed analysis for Reporting Views -------------------- DATE: Apr 21th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Detailed analysis for Reporting Views -------------------- DATE: Apr 24th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Worked on Reporting Views -------------------- DATE: Apr 26th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Worked on Reporting Views -Release 2 Planning Schedules for 29th -------------------- DATE: May 01th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -MyCourses Integration -Sprint 3 Planning -------------------- DATE: May 03th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -myCourses Integration Planning -------------------- DATE: May 08th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting -Implementation In Team -Final Presentation Planning -Integration Testing with Mycourses Planning -------------------- DATE: May 10th, 2006 -------------------- -Scrum Meeting (Third Sprint) -Implementation In Team -myCourses Integration Testing -Final Presentation Planning -------------------- DATE: May 15th, 2006 -------------------- -Senior Project Presentations -Status -Release Planning -------------------- DATE: May 17th, 2006 -------------------- -Final Demo to the Client -Our Final Presentation -------------------- DATE: May 19th, 2006 -------------------- Final Release