Principles of Software Architecture and Design
Architecture Case Study

Fall 2003 (20031)

Case Study

Your team is to select a significant software system and perform a case study of the system's architecture. Obviously it behooves you to choose a system where the architecture and its rationale are either directly available or reconstructable from documents, code, etc.

The case study itself will be the focus of presentations during the next-to-last class session [10 team points]. It will be also the focus of the case study reports each student will prepare independently to hand in as part of the team's presentation [5 individual points].

A strong suggestion: Look at the case studies in the book. You will note - especially if you peruse the table of contents - that each study has common initial components followed, in some instances, by case-specific discussions. You should use this common format in both preparing your presentation and in doing your individual writeups..

Listed below are several systems which have enough information available on-line or in publication to provide the basis for a case study. You may select one of these or propose your own system - in the latter case you must provide sufficient information and links for the instructor to determine whether or not the system is appropriate for a case study. In any event, your lab instructor will tell you how he or she will handle the assignment of systems to teams.

Some Candidate Systems