Spy Penguins Risk Management
Risk Description Severity Probability Risk Factor Risk Owner Note: Risk factors are based on severity*probability. Values assigned to high, medium and low are 1, .6, and .2 respectively. Green (factor <.3) risks are very low risk events. Yellow risks (.3 <= factor <= .5) are slightly risky and should have mitigation strategies in place. Red risks (factor > .5) should be closely monitored with prevention in mind.
Cannot complete all releases on time[1] medium high 0.60 Mark
Having to wait to discuss project with potential users[2] high medium 0.60 Phil
High number of defects pushes back a release date[3] high medium 0.60 Phil
System needs to be reworked due to integration failure[4] medium high 0.60 Joe
Schedule provides inaccurate view of project timeline[5] medium medium 0.36 Phil
Delays caused by waiting for sponsor feedback[6] medium medium 0.36 Rob
Stakeholders add requirements[7] medium medium 0.36 Tom
UI requirement changes to desktop application[8] medium medium 0.36 Mark
GWT tool is ineffective for this problem[9] high low 0.20 Joe
Loosely defined initial requirements lead to redesign[10] high low 0.20 Rob
Stakeholders change priority of increments[11] high low 0.20 Tom  
Under-estimate the time needed for web development research[12] high low 0.20 Joe  
JAXP does not fulfill our needs for XML parsing[13] medium low 0.12 Joe
Master definition needs to change late in the project[14] medium low 0.12 Rob
Team member embellishes status of task completion [15] medium low 0.12 Joe

Mark W Chadbourne:

Mitigation Strategy:
- De-couple releases from one another to ensure that the functionality of the 1st release is not dependent on the 2nd or 3rd and that the 2nd release is not dependent on the 3rd and so forth.
- Continually revise schedule estimates to ensure most up-to-date forecasting of release end dates
- Make clear to sponsor the possibility of a release slipping past the project end date, discuss ramifications and possible alternative plans
Mark W Chadbourne:

Mitigation strategy:
- schedule meetings well in advance with sponsors, based on schedule
- considering alternative meeting times and teleconferencing
- plan tasks that can continue progressing in the event work is halted due to a delay
- Leave plenty of time for testing
- Focus efforts on the functionality that the sponsor desires most for that release (Pareto principal)
- Leave other fixes for next release
- Give plenty of time for testing and bug fixing
- Update schedule after each task is completed, at the very least

- Improve estimations as we learn how accurate our earlier estimates were
- Have alternative tasks prepared, so we don't lose any ground

- Get documents to sponsor with enough time for them to review
- Make stakeholder aware of the consequences of the change

- Be prepared to compromise
- De-couple UI from the rest of the system
- Begin testing and working with GWT early in the project

- Have alternative plan
Mark W Chadbourne:

Risk Mitigation:
- Spend extra time on requirements elicitation and validation up front
- Ensure sponsor approval of all requirements and related artifacts
- Set aside time for revisiting/revising requirements before each release to ensure any necessary changes are reflected before the next phase
- Make stakeholders aware of the consequences

- Be prepared to compromise
Mark W Chadbourne:

Mitigation Strategy:
- actively research web technologies
- select tools up front based on project requirements and design characteristics to ensure technologies will be suitable and effective
- begin practice work with tools after selection
       - read guides/tutorials
       - make prototypes/examples
       - assess quality/value of tool and revise selection if necessary
- Begin working with and testing JAXP early in implementation

- Have alternatives prepared
- Do thourough requirements elicitation

- Make stakeholder aware of consequences

- Be prepared to compromise
- Create honest environment

- Get status updates from team members and review work