This page provides details about activities and grading of Sprint 2.

Project Activities (7.5% in final grade)

Team Exercises (part of 13% for team exercises)

Submission Instructions

Grading Rubric

7.5% in final grade Exceptional Performance
100 points
Competent Performance
88 points
Acceptable Performance
75 points
Developing Performance
50 points

Unacceptable Performance
0 points

(80% of total) :
Adherence to Architecture and Design Principles
Team properly documents and accurately describes at least two design principles exemplified in their design and explains how and where they will/have materialized in their solution across all tiers in great detail. Diagram(s) are clear and work to support the claims. Team documents and describes at least two design principles exemplified in their design and explains how and where they will/have materialized in their solution across most tiers. Diagram(s) are clear and work to support the claims. Only a few issues found. Team documents and describes general design goals in their design and explains how and where they will/have materialized in their solution across some tiers, with minimal detail. Diagram(s) work to support the claims but consistency is lacking. Team documents and describes minimally the principles in their design and fails to explains how or where they will/have materialized in their solution. Diagram(s) lack evidence to support the claims. There is little effort in either the descriptions or evidence diagram(s) to support the design principles.
Unit Tests and Code Coverage
Full set of high quality unit tests providing over 90% coverage. Full set of high quality unit tests providing over 75% coverage. Unit tests are of high quality with at least 50% coverage, or have some issues with mechanics and provide at least 65% coverage. Significant unit tests are missing or are of notable poor quality in terms of mechanics. Unit tests are very low quality either in terms of coverage or mechanics.
Design Documentation
Document organized as coherent sections and subsections in a logical sequence and hierarchy with clear transitions and diagrams that follow structure; no notable issues with mechanics. Document organized as coherent sections and subsections that follow logically in sequence and hierarchy using good diagrams; some issues with mechanics. Document is mostly organized in a coherent structure follow structure but has notable issues with diagrams; Mechanics may hinder readability in places. Document has significant issues with aspects of organization, diagrams, structure, or mechanics. Document has little organization, unreadable diagrams, no coherent structure, and spelling, grammar or other mechanics issues throughout.
Acceptance Test Plan
Complete Acceptance Test Plan showing full suite of acceptance criteria and test results. Complete Acceptance Test Plan shows full suite of acceptance criteria with only a few issues with test results. Acceptance Test Plan has been updated with most user stories and acceptance criteria, and shows most test results. Acceptance Test Plan lacking many user stories, acceptance criteria, or test results. No evidence of updating of Acceptance Test Plan with user stories, acceptance criteria, and test results.
Team created a polished demo which covered all required features and unique inputs in detail, was easy to follow and showed the program runs without any problems. Team created a polished demo which was easy to follow but there were a few minor issues noted with the demo. Team created demo but there were major issues with delivery. Team did not appear prepared but was able to carry off something of a demo. Team did not provide demo or created one with minimal results.
Planning Activities
Team correctly entered user stories into the sprint backlog and tracked them through to completion. All team members were involved in planning activities but there were a few minor issues noted. Only a portion of the team was involved in planning activities, or it was not done consistently. Only a portion of the team was involved in planning activities, and it was not done consistently. Minimal evidence of team performing planning activities.
Version Control Activities
The team consistently used version control to track project artifacts with clear and consistent use of feature branching The team used version control but its use was not clear and consistent in tracking artifacts or use of feature branching The team used version control, but its use was only in a bursts. The team had minimal use of version control, or its use was mostly just prior to submission. There is little evidence of the team using version control to track artifacts.