[Every topic covered by this course will have a course topic page like this one linked from the schedule page. You will refer to this page for information about a course topic.]


[This section of each course topic page will introduce the material the topic will cover.]

This lesson will be an overview of the SWEN-261 Introduction to Software Engineering course. It will describe the elements of the course and where students will find information and resources to study the course topics. The lesson will then briefly discuss the discipline of software engineering and what aspects this course will cover.

Learning Outcomes

[Each learning outcome identifies knowledge or skills that you will gain from study of the resources and doing the exercises for the topic. Your instructor will create exam questions based on these learning outcomes.]

Study Resources

[There is no required textbook for this course. This section will identify study resources that are public on the Internet, or available through the RIT library. Typically, more resources than you are expected to use will be listed. This gives you the opportunity to study from the ones that work best for you. The topic page may indicate that you are required to study some resources.

There will be resources from a number of sources including videos, webpage reading, or book chapters. You will access resources from Lynda.com => now part of LinkedIn (Note Skillsoft has been removed from RIT but you should let us know if there are still links on this website referring to it, and better yet if you find the link to the content on LinkedIn or elsewhere, let us know that too). Many other resources can be found through the RIT e-library and Database Finder. The particular resource categories that a topic uses will vary with many lessons not using all categories. If you find another resource that you think is particularly good, contribute it in the on-line discussion forum area for participation credit.]

For your study of this topic, use some of these resources.

Video Lessons

Web Articles and Blogs



Class Lecture

[There will be a class lecture associated with almost every course topic. This section will give a link to the PDF for the lecture.]


[These are required exercises that you will do as part of your study of the topic. There are three exercise categories based on when you will do the exercise. Exercises may be done individually, by the project team, or a grouping created just for one activity. Before-Class Exercises entail some study before class and have a deliverable due at the start of the class session when the topic will be covered. Your instructor will give you time in class to complete any In-Class Exercises with most of them due at the end of class. The After-Class Exercises require more extended work and will be introduced in class, and due at the start of a subsequent class. The particular exercise categories that a topic uses will vary with many lessons not using all categories.]

Before-Class Exercises

In-Class Exercises

After-Class Exercises