Project Deliverable - Audit Phase:
Compliance assessment (Individual)


In a previous assignment you did a preliminary search for compliance with regards to the specific Domain in which your product is being constructed, you will take this investigation further.

For this assignment you will build upon that information from a different perspective.

  1. As a first step you will visit the FTC website and search for a case that most closely resembles your product/service or domain and where individuals or companies violated consumer protection or competition laws. Capture the URL to the specific case location and provide a brief summary of the charges and how this relates or might be applicable to your own project.

  2. Finally, vist the summary description of Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Peruse through the key provisions and select one (e.g. 302 .. 806). Add it to your document and write a description of the activity or actions that your team project product/service would conduct in order to fullfill compliance with SOX Act.

Submission Instructions

Submit your findings as a (PDF) document to the myCourses folder "Compliance assessment (individual)" by deadline policy indicated on schedule.