SWEN-559: Lesson: AI - Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency


This lesson will introduce students to the ethical framework of Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT), its history, and criticisms of it.

Learning Outcomes

Course Content


Class Lecture (slides)


Pre Class Homework - Individual Activity

First, please read ALL of the items linked under Resources.

Fully review content of COMPASS Case study. When finished, write an informed yet fictional story (500 words) about an individual who has been subject to the COMPASS system. Utilize details from the reading and web to detail in what ways the system had impacted both this individual as well as other characters in this story. How do they relate to this software and what sort of control do (or don't) they have in this situation?

Group Activity

Your group has been given a time machine and total power over the development of the COMPASS system. Knowing what will happen in the future if the development of COMPASS continues without the knowledge of the FAT ethical framework, your mission is to turn COMPASS into an "ethical" system.

Project Work
