These are instructions for setting up the Qualtrics surveys for the interim and final presentations.

There are templates for all of the Qualtrics surveys in a Survey Templates directory. When you are making a new survey always start by copying the template and not a previous survey. The reason for this guidance is that Qualtrics has an Edit Multiple feature that allows you to enter values for multiple choice questions in bulk. This feature (usually/often/sometimes) gets turned off after there are survey responses and seems to stay off even if you delete all of the responses or copy the survey to use again. You will not have this option if you create a new survey using the route of Create Project -> Create from Existing. The Eidt Multiple option seems to be available if you start with an old survey instead of a template and create the new survey using Create Project -> Blank Project -> Import Questions From ... -> My Surveys and after selecting the survey use Import Entire Survey.

The bulk entry of data allows you to export the information from the Project Information spreadsheet using the Output Presentation HTML and JavaScript feature and either directly, or after some editing, copy all at once the data for all questions in a multiple choice question.

Interim and Final Presentation Surveys

  1. Create one survey for each day of presentations
  2. Put in the team name, project name, and project sponsor in the multiple choice question. You can copy the entries one at a time from the presentation schedule on the myCourses homepage. For each team, use the dropdown menu to select Rich Content Editor to preserve the formatting from the schedule.
  3. Delete any items for teams that are not in that day's presentations.
  4. Go to the Reports top-level tab to check that the filtered reports preserved the team information for each filter.
  5. Go to the Distributions top-level tab to get the distribution URL to use. The first time that you come here you will see choices for the type of distribution to make. Choose Get a single reusable link. Put this URL into the Project Information spreadsheet on the Dropdowns worksheet in the Presentation Survey URL column in the row for the interim/final presentation date. If you return to the Distributions tab again, you may have to select Anonymous Link in the leftside navigation menu to see the URL.
  6. Once you have the survey URLs specified, you can create the presentations JavaScript using the button on the Projects worksheet. This will generate Javascript that has all of the parameter information for the Presentations.html page.
  7. After you test that the links to the presentation surveys on the presentations page are correct, set the start time for the surveys along with some other survey options. We advertise that the survey for all presentations on one day go active at the end of the presentations that day. In reality, we have been setting them to open when the presentations start for the rare remote viewer who might want to provide feedback during the presentation. You can also set expiration times on the survey, if you want them to shutoff at some point. While on the Survey top-level tab, select Survey Options. Here are the options typically set: