Meetings with your Project Sponsor

The project sponsors have been told that a weekly meeting with the team lasting, at least, one hour, is expected. These weekly meetings are particularly important during the initial phases of the project when the team needs to learn the domain of the project from the sponsor. If the project sponsor is local to the Rochester area, the meeting will typically be a face-to-face meetings. Projects with remote sponsors will need to arrange for weekly telephone calls or the use of other communications mechanisms. See the Project Resources webpage on Teleconference Call Information for additional information.

The team is responsible for running all of the meetings with the sponsor. The team must come prepared for each meeting. It will be a waste of the sponsor's time to attend a meeting with an unprepared team. The team will distribute an agenda for each meeting to the sponsor at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. When transmitting the agenda, ask if there are topics the sponsor would like to add. The meeting agendas should be more specific than a boilerplate template of "Project Status; Issues; Questions; Next meeting" that never changes from week to week. You can allocate time to individual agenda topics, or let the meeting run a little less structured but make sure a moderator will keep you on track.

The project gets started immediately the first week of the term. Depending on the project start term and sponsor availability, teams will meet their sponsor in the first or second week. Here is a suggested meeting agenda for the Project Kick-Off meeting.