Design Phase Process
Purpose To guide team through developing and inspecting the software design specifications for the development of the IVRS.
Entry Criteria 1. Development Strategy & plan
2. Completed & Inspected SRS
General The design process yields the software design specification (SDS).  The SDS defines the overall product structure for the development cycle of IVRS.
1. Major product components with their interface specifications
2. Allocation of use cases to components
3. File and message standards, definitions, naming conventions
4. Design notation and standards.
Step Activities Description
1 Design Process Review 1. Document & review design process and how it will be carried out
2. Document how design inspection is conducted & reported
3. Document design standards & conventions
4. Designate a development manager
2 High-Level Design Development Manager leads team through:
1. Naming product components
2. Allocating Use Cases to product components
3. Indentify tasks to be completed & documented (update project plan accordingly)
3 Design Standards 1. Produce name glossary
2. Document design standards
3. Collect templates for SDS
4 Design Tasks 1. Outline SDS document
2. Outline work to produce SDS
5 Task Allocation 1. Team lead helps allocate tasks
2. Obtain commitments for when tasks will be completed (update project plan accordingly)
6 Design Specification Each Team Member:
1. Produce & review assigned portions of SDS
2. Provide portions to development manager
Development Manager:
1. Produce composite SDS
7 Integration Test Plan Development Manager:
1. Lead team in production & review of Integration Test Plan
8 Design and Integration Test Plan Inspection Inspect SDS Draft & Integration Test Plan to ensure:
1. Every use case covered & referenced in design
2. Design is complete & correct
3. Integration test plan is adequate
4. Traceability to SRS is verified (Traceability Matrix)
4. Each problem/defect is recorded, responsibility for fix is assigned
9 Design Update Development Manager:
1. Combine updated SDS sections into final SDS
2. Verfies traceability to SRS (Traceability Matrix)
10 Update To Baseline Baseline SDS
Exit Criteria 1. Completed & inspected SDS
2. Completed & inspected Integration Test Plan
3. Design Standards Document
4. Name glossary