Software Archeology @ RIT

[ar·che·ol·o·gy] n. the study of people by way of their artifacts
Week 4 - Measurements and Metrics

23 Feb 2014

Last Week

Last week our team spent time continuing to improve our codebase. Some members of our team spent time working with how we handle filepaths referenced in code reviews. We have worked on building a Filepath model with ActiveRecord, and writing methods to check if the filepath has been involved in a vulnerability inspection.

Another member of our team has been working on developing scrapers and parsers for NVD (National Vulnerability Database) data, which we will use to verify our methods for obtaining CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) information on chromium. This will be useful in the future when we gather vulnerability metrics.

Finally, another member of our team has been acively working on developing more research questions, referencing Alberto’s paper. As Shannon mentioned in her week two post here, Alberto has moved on to greater adventures and will be missed.

This Week

Beginning this week, the team will start to examine questions we put forth to answer in our research proposal, as well as some additional questions we’ve generated throughout our project thusfar. We will be thinking of how to gather enough data to fully answer these questions, and start generating those metrics.

Next Week

In the next week, our team hopes to continue gathering our metrics if we have not finished already. We will then use those metrics to answer our research questions and come to conclusions.

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