About Us

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EJ Dinki

I love designing and building software. I've worked heavily with Java and C++ and so far have liked web development the best. At my current job I'm working on a web application with a Java backend and JSPs and have I really enjoy it. I'm excited about the Museum Experience Survery project that team MESSE is working on as it incorportes web development and mobile devices which is always a fun and interesting task. I think we are going to be able to come up with something the Discovery Center can really benefit from and enjoy using.

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Andrew Mueller

I originally started out as an Electrical Engineer, then switched to Software Engineering. Most of my experience is in .net native wpf applications, and java. I've also worked with php and the cakePhp framework for a long time so im familiar with MVC. I don't have much of a preference over web vs. native applications, but working with the front end and focussing on usability is my strong suit.

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Robert Vrooman

My background is comprised mostly of Java and C# for the .NET environment. I've spent time as a Quality Assurance coop with IDI Billing Solutions. During my time at IDI I worked with web automation tools such as Coded UI and Telerik as well as the database framework Entity. I specialise in quickly learning new technologies and working with users, engineers, and testers to assure a product that meets the user's needs is delivered. I am proud to be part of Team M.E.S.S.E! Need a quality software product? Don't get down and dirty! Get M.E.S.S.E!

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Jonathon Shippling

My experince as a web developer stems from my previous co-ops, where I developed web applications using Javascript and Node.js , communicating with a Scala Finatra web server. As well, I have experience with mobile development, specifically Android, creating applications for a multitude of screen sizes and resolutions. I look forward to developing an application to make visits to the Discovery Center a more enjoyable experience.