*MVP = Minimum Viable Product

*ASR = Architecturally Significant Requirement

UNPLANNED = not planned for by the Rock Raiders team

Mobile Application Features



The mobile application shal be available in both iOS and Android Platform


Social Media Sharing

The mobile application shall provide the user with buttons that will enable the user to share media via social media and email


Guidance Frame

The mobile application shall provide a guidance frame for users, if they cannot successfully scan a page in the first 3 attempts.


Zoom In/Out

The mobile application shall allow the users to zoom in and zoom out on available digital content, such as videos or photos


Optional User Feedback

The mobile application shall have an optional questionnaire for the user to fill out, in order to gather more data regarding user satisfaction and feedback.


Publication-Based UI

The mobile application shall provide a custom user interface specific to the publication that is being viewed.


User Interaction based on Publication

The system shall keep track of users scanning the same publication page and notify users of ongoing discussions on social media regarding the specific publication page



Management Portal Features



The user shall be able to login to the management portal as their respective role (Administrator, Editor, Publisher, Advertiser)


Create User

When the user is logged in as an Administrator, the user shall be able to create accounts for Editors. Editors can create accounts for Publishers and Advertisers. Publishers can create accounts for Advertisers. Publisher users will be associated with a real-world Publisher and Advertisers will be associated with a real-world Advertiser.


Role-base Authentication

Users shall be assigned to specific roles, and only be able to access things to their roles.


Publisher: Associate with Advertisers

Publishers shall be able to add or remove associations with advertisers.


Upload Image Recognition Files

Publishers shall be able to add images of pages of publications to an album dedicated to that publication. The system shall use the images uploaded by the publisher for recognition. Publishers shall be able to add, remove, or edit these files.


Manage Publication Media

Publishers shall be able to add, remove, or edit albums of media to be displayed when users view the publication page.


Publisher: Grant Advertisers Permission

Publishers shall be able to grant or remove access for advertisers to create media for particular publication pages.


Publisher: Approve Media created by Advertiser

Publishers shall be able to accept or reject any media uploaded by an Advertiser for a publication owned by the publisher.


Automated Tutorials

When a user logs in for the first time, the user is taken through the required steps to do all major functionalities available.


Contact Administrator

Users shall be able to contact administrators regarding any issues.



The system shall keep track of usage statistics and user analytics. The system shall provide the relevant data analytics to publishers and all data analytics to the owner of the product

Administrators should be able to see all statistics. Publishers should be able to see all analytics for publications that belong to the publisher.


Comment Moderation Setting

Publishers shall be able to enable manual or automatic comment moderation, for all publications for that publisher.


Manual Comment Moderation

Publishers shall be able to manually moderate comments posted by users. Publishers shall be able to hide specific comments.


Automatic Comment Moderation

Publishers shall be able to enable automatic comment moderation. Inappropriate comments will be automatically removed.


Editor Feature Setting

Editors shall be able to add or remove features for different users, users of one publication, and users of one advertiser.


Automated Publisher Billing

Editors shall be able to set up automated billing for Publishers, based on the metrics and analytics collected.


Publisher Billing History and Balance

Publishers shall be able to view their billing history and current balance.


Administrator/Editor: View all Billing Histories and Balances

Administrators shall be able to view all billing histories and all balances for all Publishers.


Emulate User seeing digital content

When managing media to be displayed, users shall be able to preview how it will appear to users.


Publisher: Set Comment Moderation Type Per Publication Page

Publishers shall be able to enable comment moderation modes per publication page, as opposed to globally.


Publisher: Limit Permissions to Sub-Publishers

Publishers shall be able to add or remove permissions to other users related to the publisher. These "Sub-Publishers" should have the same access as publishers except for creating other users and limiting permissions.



Publishers, Editors, and Advertisers shall be able to view analytics collected by the image recognition server.



Image Recognition Server Features


In House Image Recognition

The system shall use the publication pages image to host image recognition. While the system shall use the Wikitude image processing and recognition scripts, all data shall be stored on the server itself.


Server-side Image Recognition

The server should perform the image recognition, instead of sending the tracker files to the RocReadaR App.


Optimized Image Recognition

Image recognition shall use heuristics to perform image recognition quickly. Recently uploaded publications should be searched first.


Scalability Testing

Testing shall be done to determine the maximum possible load a set of Google Cloud Platform servers can handle. Then, the production instances shall be set up to automatically scale based on their load.


Collect Analytics

The system shall collect analytics based on images scanned and recognized.


Version Date Comment
Current Version (v. 12) May 14, 2016 14:59 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 11 May 13, 2016 17:21 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 10 May 13, 2016 17:16 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 9 May 11, 2016 17:50 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 8 Feb 25, 2016 19:19 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student):
Added Limit Sub-Publishers Permissions
v. 7 Feb 15, 2016 11:10 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 6 Feb 15, 2016 11:06 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 5 Feb 15, 2016 10:19 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 4 Feb 10, 2016 18:49 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 3 Feb 09, 2016 22:16 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 2 Feb 09, 2016 22:06 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 1 Feb 09, 2016 21:55 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)