RocReadaR : Milestones

Milestones are documented in the Project Plan Page:

Project Plan
Scheduling and Estimates

(- in date column means we did not keep track of it at that time)

Imitate Project PlanStart the project plan document-08/27/1508/27/15
Project kick-offInitial meeting with coach and sponsors-09/01/1509/01/15
Setup Project WebsiteSetup project website with contact information, project synopsis first draft, and other pertinent information-09/08/1509/18/15
Setup 4-up ChartsPut 4-up charts on the project website-09/08/1509/08/15
Setup time trackingFind and set up a format for time tracking for the entire team-09/08/1509/08/15
Submit Project SynopsisFinalize the project synopsis and submit it to the sponsors and coach-09/15/201509/15/2015
Agree on requirementsMeet with sponsors to agree on requirements set-09/21/201509/15/2015
Define methodologyDecide on a methodology and model and document both, and the reason why, in the project and on the website-09/15/20159/17/2015
Project Plan First DraftFinish the first draft of the project plan, with risks and overall project schedule-09/22/201509/21/15
Project domain model draftFinish the project domain model showing the structure of the project and how it relates to the business-09/22/201509/21/15
Development methodology confirmedConfirm our development methodology and document it in our test plan-09/22/201509/21/15
Product/Process metrics confirmedConfirm our metrics and document them in the test plan-09/22/201509/28/15
Domain model finalized and submittedFinalize the domain model and go over it with the sponsor-09/29/1509/29/15
Project Plan ApprovedGo over the project plan with our sponsor and coach, and make sure it is approved-09/29/1509/29/15
Domain Model ApprovedGo over the domain model with our sponsor and coach and make sure it is approved-09/29/1509/29/15
Use Cases Completed (70%)Finish detailing at least 70% of use cases-10/12/1510/12/15
Publisher Portal Wireframe MockupFinish the wireframes of the publisher portal-10/12/1510/12/15
Source Control FinalizedFinish deciding on source control tools and make sure all members have access. Get a branching plan in place.-10/06/1510/12/15
Preliminary Architecture Draft

Start a draft of the architecture overview, and the deployment, module decomposition, and database diagrams

Finalize ArchitectureFinalize enough of the architecture diagrams to begin development-10/26/1510/26/15
Database Design Draft -10/26/1510/26/15
Milestone: Finish User ManagementFinish developing features that allow us to create and modify usersWinter Break02/09/201602/09/2016
Milestone: Finish Recognition Images uploadingFinish developing features that allow us to upload images of publication pages, and finish the conversion into wtc fileWinter Break02/16/201602/16/2016
Milestone: Finish Media UploadingFinish developing features that allow us to upload media linked to publication pages and save them on the server. Details of how they are linked is not necessary, just having them uploaded02/02/201602/23/201602/23/2016
Milestone: Finish movement of documentationFinish moving documentation from our Google Docs to Confluence02/02/201603/07/201602/23/2016
Mid-Term Peer EvaluationComplete the Mid-Term Peer Evaluation as required by Senior Project03/01/201603/09/201603/08/2016
Milestone: Finish Media Management WYSIWYGComplete the feature to allow us to link publication pages and media, by providing a simple drag and drop interface to create the details of how the media is displayed.03/01/201604/29/201603/08/2016

Milestone: Finish RocReadaR endpoint hookupFinish hooking up the recognition endpoint to the RocReadaR Android App02/16/201605/02/201603/08/2016
Create Usability Testing PlanCreate our usability testing plan with our sponsor. Testing should be done on the RocReadaR Portal with publishers and advertisers03/01/201603/08/201603/08/2016
Run Usability TestingRun our usability testing plan and collect the related data03/08/201605/06/201603/25/2016
Mid-Term Project Review with Sponsor and CoachMeet with our Sponsor and Coach to complete the Mid-Term Project Review as required by Senior Project03/14/201603/18/201603/18/2016
Milestone: Finish All Media ManagementFinish all features related to organization of publications, issues, and media associated with those issues03/08/201604/28/201603/29/2016
Milestone: Finish Metrics Tracking and ReportingFinish all features related to collecting and displaying metrics of publications and their views03/08/2016Not Met03/29/2016
Milestone: Finalize DocumentationFinish our documentation. Meet with other developers of the other RocReadaR teams to hand off the documentation03/29/201605/14/201605/14/2016
Run Load TestingRun load testing to determine the limits and costs of the RocReadaR recognition system03/29/2016Not Met04/12/2016
Incorporate Usability Testing ResultsIncorporate the results and suggestions from usability testing into the product03/29/201605/06/201604/12/2016
Create Project PosterCreate and present our project post as required by Senior Project04/05/201604/15/201604/15/2016
Create Technical ReportCreate and submit our technical report as required by Senior Project04/25/201605/09/201605/12/2016
Create PresentationCreate and rehearse our project final presentation as required by Senior Project04/25/201605/11/201605/12/2016
Final Reflection and Senior SurveyComplete the Senior Survey and meet with our Coach and Sponsor for final reflection05/16/201605/16/201605/16/2016