Release Applications

The RocReadaR project has multiple applications in its scope as it encompasses both the application itself, as well as the server infrastructure that supplies the content.

Releases involve three separate applications and one database:

  • RocReadaR App
    • This includes any platforms currently developed, such as Android and iOS platforms
  • RocReadaR Recognition Server
    • This includes the endpoints used for image recognition.
    • This application may run on the same servers that the RocReadaR Portal runs
  • RocReadaR Portal
    • This application may run on the same servers that the Recognition Server runs
  • MySQL database
    • This is automatically updated by the Strongloop Loopback framework



Upcoming Release

The initial release will not include any part of the RocReadar App, except for any changes needed for the app to use the new RocReadaR Recognition Server.

The Recognition Server will have a "V1" and a "V2" endpoint. V1 will use the initial method of recognition, where tracker files are sent to the RocReadaR App. V2 will use images uploaded by the RocReadaR App, recognize the images, and then respond with the data.

The RocReadaR Portal contains many features required in the initial release. The Portal must include all of it's user functionality (the ability to add, create, and edit users), and the ability to create recognition files and media associated with them.

Additionally, the initial release will include the schema and other information required to implement the features not included in the first release. This includes features such as comment moderation.



Future Releases

Subsequent releases of the mobile application will include several more features to enhance the experience with the community.

This includes features such as:

  • Performance or scalability enhancements to the Recognition Server
  • Comment System on the RocReadaR app
  • Comment Moderation
  • Live Chat with other users reading the same article
  • Analytics on RocReadaR usage, viewable in the portal
  • Providing permissions to Advertisers to create their own media

The features released will be determined at the discretion of the sponsors.


Version Date Comment
Current Version (v. 4) Apr 03, 2016 19:08 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 3 Feb 09, 2016 22:15 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 2 Feb 09, 2016 22:03 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)
v. 1 Feb 09, 2016 22:02 IAN SALITRYNSKI (RIT Student)