RocReadaR : System Quirks


This document identifies many of the weird "quirks" in the system, like why we did something unusual or how to fix weird problems. Hopefully this will help you when you get confused working on it!



  1. Maximum HTTP Request issue:
    1. "npm install" is run everytime a new instance of the server is deployed.
    2. There is an issue within the "body-parser" node module, that resets the maximum request upload limit to 100kb. In order to workaround the issue, the code has been changed in "core/node_modules/body-parser/lib/types/json.js" to increase the limit to 50mb.
    3. When "npm install" is run, this change is overwritten.
    4. The change needs to be pulled directly from the source code to ensure that file upload limit error does not happen.
  2. Temporary folder structure:
    1. "core/server/tmp/images/" folder is used to temporary write image files into the system for the Wikitude enterprise script to process.
    2. The images need to be deleted after processing as the automated code does not perform the delete at present.
  3. RocReadaR App connection:
    1. The app is connected to the Google Cloud server IP at the moment. If the IP changes, the address has to be changed in the application. The location of the URLs are inside, and imageCapture.js. Only image and video are processed properly at present, the other media files are not taken into account in the application side yet and has to be implemented.
  4. Authentication quirks:
    1. Currently the permissions prevent Publications from being deleted
    2. IMPORTANT: For development purposes, the system is not currently locked down to only allow custom remote methods. This could allow a malicious user to input or alter data. Make sure to lock down remote methods before deploying publicly.