With a partner research the following topics and submit your findings to the appropriate Dropbox folder.

Part One

  1. What are the factors that distinguish RUP from the PSP and TSP?
  2. What is the purpose of having templates, scripts, and checklists in the TSP and the PSP?
  3. What would be the advantages and disadvantages for using PSP/TSP on a SWEN 261 (Intro to SE) project?
  4. What would be the advantages and disadvantages for using RUP on a SWEN 261 (Intro to SE) project?
  5. What is the Cone of Uncertainty and how does it impact decision-making on a software project?

Part Two

  1. Define the terms evolutionary, incremental and iterative. Are they inter-changeable when describing a software process model?
  2. How does an incremental process model differ from prototyping?
  3. What is meant by a "time-boxed" iteration?
  4. How well does evolutionary delivery perform when it comes to a project with poorly understood architecture as opposed to one that has poorly understood requirements?