Project Scenario 2: Remote Sensing Management & Tracking

Note: This scenario will provide the material needed to create the artifacts as specified in the Project page. Though you will not develop the actual system, it may be good idea to familiarize yourself with the required technology in order to produce more accurate plans.

Problem Statement

An environmental not-for-profit organization has won a federal grant to implement a general purpose Environment Remote Sensing System (ERSS). Their primary goal is to be able to deploy, configure, and monitor remote sensing stations across the National Parks in the USA to be able to, among other things, monitor migration and behavioral patterns of endangered and protected species. Clients will be able to manage each of the sensor stations, expand the number of locations and sensors from a location; and monitor their status remotely. The users will start with your general solution and be able to configure the product to meet the specific needs of each location.

The requirements for this system are given in the list below as desired features for the remote sensing system. The list is neither exhaustive nor definitive. It is up to your team to develop a list of features that best fit scope of your application.

Potential Features

  1. Sensors
  2. Sensor Stations
  3. Administration
  4. Monitoring
Remember, these are suggestions. Feel free to add to or modify these requirements based on the design of your system, research and your domain analysis. Your instructor may assist you and clarify if need be.