Case Study “Presentations”


In this activity, we’re going to learn about each other’s papers in a less-traditional way. The goal here is to (a) read, (b) summarize, (c) curate and (d) appreciate the work other people have done.

In-Class Activity

  1. Sign into Slack. We’ll be using the #general channel for this.
  2. Sit near your case study teammates for this.
  3. Your instructor will assign a different project for you. Open up the paper for that project. We define different as
    • NOT the case study you wrote
    • NOT the case study you reviewed
  4. Read the paper from beginning to end. Feel free to jump around as necessary and look up anything you need to look up if you don’t understand.
  5. As you read,
    • Feel free to DM the authors of your paper with clarifying questions.
    • Watch your DMs and answer any questions from other groups
  6. Each person individually must write at least 5 “chirps” (the non-corporate version of tweets…) about the case study they’re reading, posting them to the Slack #general for the class.
    • We will be using participation in this way as your attendance for the day and for the presentation grade.
    • A “chirp” must be MAXIMUM 200 characters. Drafting in a text editor might help keep your count low.
    • A chirp can include quotes from the paper, but must also be clearly quoting the paper and adding your own commentary to it.
    • Only chirp about something that’s interesting to you. (Yes, we are requiring you to be interested in something.)
    • Include the project name somewhere in your chirp. (i.e. No sub-chirping!)
    • Humor is allowed and encouraged. We’re here to learn, but also to celebrate.
  7. Read the chirps of others and add an appropriate reaction to the chirps. You don’t need to react to all chirps, but let’s try to curate the most factoids from this!
  8. Reply to at least 2 chirps with a follow-up question.
  9. Anyone else can contribute to that thread, including the original writers, reviewers, chirpers, or someone else with an opinion. It’s social media! You don’t need qualifications to share an opinion!

Out of Class Makeup

If you had to miss class today, then choose a project that fix the criteria from Step 3 and follow the rest of the instructions, posting in Slack.