Vulnerability History Project


The purpose of this assignment is to have you see some real vulnerabilities up close. When you see the kinds of vulnerabilities that can happen in real products, in real life, you get a sense for how difficult (or easy!) they can be to find and prevent.

A secondary purpose of this assignment is for you to practice investigative data journalism. You are going to dive into boring details communicate what is most interesting and useful to your audience. There will be tedium, but, as with all of our assignments, we believe we are stewarding your time well.

SWEN-331 is a unique course that dives far deeper into an all-too-ignored discipline. As you progress through SWEN-331, you are learning a mindset that is rare in our industry today.

Thus, a tertiary, and entirely optional, purpose of this assignment is for you to contribute to the open source Vulnerability History Project, aka (VHP). The VHP is a museum of mistakes to help us all engineer secure software. VHP dives into case studies of open source projects, such as Apache HTTPD, FFmpeg, Linux kernel, Chromium, and Django. As such, we believe that your work and perspective is incredibly valuable to:

  • Professional developers today who need to catch up on software security engineering
  • Future students who will learn from real history
  • Academic and industry researchers mining for trends in vulnerabilities

Broadly, your responsibilities are to:

  • Correct anything that you see is wrong in your assigned vulnerability data. If we are missing a code review, a bug, or the information is clearly wrong, then correct it!
  • Investigate the engineering history of this vulnerability. How was it fixed? How did it arise? How was it missed? What can we learn from it?
  • Curate the data by attempting to categorize it as carefully as you can. Providing links in your rationale is always welcome - cite your sources! And let future readers dig deep just like you did.
  • Translate & Synthesize via summary writing. Don’t just copy-and-paste descriptions - we collect much of this data automatically so your copy-and-pasting isn’t adding anything. Instead, research any technical jargon you find, and rewrite what you see in plain English so that future students, developers, and researchers can learn. See an acronym that your audience might not understand? Google it and explain it.

This is a two-week writing project, and you can expect to spend around 10 hours of work spread over multiple days.

Your Target Audience

Know thy audience. – Sun Tzu, if he was a journalist

In this writing assignment, your target audience would be an average second year college student in computing, not unlike who you were when you started this semester. Assume that your audience knows very little about security, but knows computers and programming.

Your readers will have written code, and more importantly, have made mistakes in code. They will know words like: variable, loop, function, memory allocation, standard input, null pointer exception, sockets, process, crash, segmentation fault, infinite loop, array, etc. But, they won’t know our case study project (e.g. FFmpeg, HTTPD, Django, Chromium, systemd) at all, so for example they won’t know what MPEG stands for, what a “codec” is, what a DOM is, or the intricacies of the HTTP protocol. (In fact, in all likelihood neither will you!)

Your audience will be in the process of learning security jargon, such as defense in depth, buffer overflow, and others. The VHP site will have links to educate people from sources like the CWE, so you don’t need to explain security material all over again for this one example. But, be mindful that this is what your audience is learning.

Round 1. Investigate Vulnerabilities

  1. Fill out survey. Will you give copyright consent to allow us to showcase your work in VHP? We would like you to contribute your work to a Creative Commons/MIT Licensed repository. Hundreds of students over the past five years have already done so. Please give us your choice in this survey. Note:
  • If your answer is “yes”, we need to know your GitHub username is so that we can trace your GitHub username to your RIT username for grading purposes. If you don’t have a GitHub account, we recommend creating a permanent, professional name for your account as it will likely go on your resume.
  • If not, we will make similar arrangements to submit your report privately. Your grade will not be affected. Reach out to your instructor with further instructions. Anything GitHub-related will be unnecessary for you.
  1. Get your CVEs from here. Everyone will be assigned two CVEs.
  1. Learn about the case study projects. This semester, we are looking at the Linux kernel. Take a some time look over their documentation, what the rest of the world says about them, and anything else you can think of to familiarize yourself with the project and product. You will find these links to be helpful:
  1. Fork the vulnerabilities repository. Fork: VulnerabilityHistoryProject/vulnerabilities. You can read about forking on GitHub’s docs..
  2. Clone the repository locally using your favorite Git client.
  3. Open up your assigned CVE files in a good text editor. For example, cves/CVE-2013-4327.yml in the systemd-vulnerabilities repo. You will be editing YAML for this assignment, which is a human-friendly JSON-like format that we use for structuring our data. Here’s another helpful link about YAML. It would be helpful if your text editor support syntax highlighting of YAML files so you can avoid syntax errors. My personal favorites are Visual Studio Code and SublimeText.
  4. Read the research notes that are currently there for the vulnerability, including the questions that need to be filled out.
  5. Set curation_level to 2 in your YAML file. Save the file.
  6. Set up your pull request using the submission instructions below. Set up your pull request immediately, not at submission time. You will be updating your pull request throughout the project.
  7. Look up your vulnerability in our curation tool. To help you with the curation process, we’ve made a browser-based tool that will generate the required YAML for you. Give it a try at
  8. Go to the kernel source code repository. The kernel repository is mirred on GitHub and is small enough for you to clone locally - we recommend this as we will use you some Git command line. You also might find GitHub itself to be useful, such as looking up a commit hash by putting it in the URL or by looking at git blame outputs.
  1. Research the CVE. Look up the CVE in the National Vulnerablity Database. Follow links to other sources, e.g. Linux distribution bug reports, and any other information you can gather. If there is any terminology you don’t understand, and there will undoubtedly will be, research a basic understanding. Making a list of terms you don’t know as you encounter them is a good start.
  2. Find the vulnerability fix. Generally speaking we should have these for you, but you may need to correct and fix the data. Go to the git repository that you downloaded and find the fix (git show is good for this). Make sure this fix makes sense for your vulnerability. If there are multiple fix commits, then make sure they are all in there.
  3. Find the VCC (Vulnerability-Contributing Commit). Next, we want to dig into the changes to the files that were affected by this change and attempt to find the commit(s) that introduced this vulnerability in the first place. For this, you will need to follow our example below, but it is essentially making use of git blame. Record the VCC commit hash in the data. We have already run some tools (archeogit and SZZUnleashed) to “guess” at what the VCC is. We ask that you verify this. See Finding the VCC below.
  4. Find the commits between the VCC and fix. Using git log, get the commits between the VCC(s) and fix(es). You do not need to record these - we will be collecting this automatically in the future based on your VCC. But, these will be the basis for the next step.
  5. Read. Begin reading the commit messages, bug reports, and code reviews between the VCC(s) and fix(es). Record any observations, such as major events, discussions, references to engineering decisions, etc. as you go. Do your best to get a “big picture” of how this development team works during this time, inferring anything you can about their process, expertise, constraints, etc. Don’t rush this part. The longer you spend here, the easier the writing part will be.
  6. Record your findings. Research the following pieces and contribute them to your CVE YAML files. We have notes in the YAML about precisely what we are looking for. Also, we have a detailed example below that Prof. Meneely did himself.
  7. Update your pull request as you work. See below.

Round 1 Submission: Pull Request

To submit, you must create a pull request from your forked repository to ours.

  1. Fork, clone, edit, push. Clone your forked repo locally and edit your YAML files. Commit your changes to the dev branch, or to your own branch if you like. Push to your forked repo. Tip: if you have never done this before with GitHub, this may be a learning experience for you. Get help from your friends, TA, or instructor.
  2. Create single a pull request against our dev branch of our research repositories. You must name your pull request after the CVEs that you are editing, for example “CVE-2011-3092 and CVE-2011-3093”. Write a brief description that will become the commit message. Please create one pull request that edits all of your CVE files if you have multiple for one project.
  3. Correct anything from feedback or build tests. We have all of our YAML files run against some integrity checkers on Github Actions CI to verify they have roughly the correct structure. If your pull request does not pass, then check the details of the build to see which tests failed. You might have broken YAML syntax, or the wrong format for a commit, or some other issue. You must fix build issues before the Round 1 deadline. To fix any issues, just edit your CVEs, commit, and push. The pull request will automatically update (you don’t need to create a new pull request if you want to correct something). Don’t worry about committing and pushing too many times - we will “squash” your commits into one commit on the final merge. Note: only checking your work on Travis can be tedious. If you want to run the integrity checkers locally, see the at the root of this repository.
  4. Respond to feedback. You might get immediate feedback from someone else on the project, even before Round 1 is done. See details below.


  • 20pts. Build passes on the pull request by the deadline.

Round 2: Reviewing other Pull Requests

  • Respond to feedback. You will be getting feedback from your peers, from researchers, from your instructor, and from the TA. You must respond to feedback within 48 hours of getting the feedback. You might be asked to clarify things, provide links, or some other corrections. You will be graded on how well you respond to feedback. You must respond to feedback within 48 hours.

  • Provide editorial feedback. You will be assigned several CVEs of your peers to review. Go to those pull requests and provide feedback. Be professional and helpful. You will be graded on the quality of your feedback. Your comments should fall into the following categories:

    • Grammar, Spelling, or Style: These comments should be trivially correctable. Don’t just look for low-hanging fruit here - think about what would make the writing smoother and easier for you to read. For example, “Use active voice in this paragraph instead of passive voice.”
    • Methodology or Investigation comments: These types of comments concern the content itself, i.e. about security. For example, “I think this vulnerability could also be an arbitrary code execution concern - can you discuss this possibility too?". Or, “Looking at the VCC, it looks like it was a refactoring and not introducing new logic. Can you double-check?”
  • Provide feedback on 3 other YAMLs. Most people are in a cohort of 4, but if you are not, find someone else in the class who doesn’t have much reviewing and review them. When we grade, all we will count is how many reviews you did, even if it’s outside your cohort.

  • Give upvotes. Every CVE yaml file has an upvotes key. When you are giving feedback on pull requests, you have 10 virtual “points” to give across all CVEs you are reviewing. In your feedback, give a point value to the CVE you are reviewing based on how interesting it is to you. IT IS NOT A GRADE OF THE PERSON, IT IS HOW INTERESTING THE VULNERABILITY WAS TO YOU. So it is entirely possible that you had a very boring vulnerability, got poor upvotes, but get a very good grade on the project. This upvotes metric will be used to curate the data and present interesting stories to people wanting to learn vulnerability history. As a reviewer, say how many upvotes you are giving to each CVE, and the author will increase that number in their yaml and push the changes.

  • Update upvotes. Every time someone comments with upvotes, you need to update your YML file and push to your pull request.

A high-quality comment is insightful, actionable, and constructive. We do not place a number on how many comments you are to supposed give - only on how helpful and insightful they are.


  • 10pts Quality of grammar, spelling, writing style feedback on 3 reviews
  • 10pts Quality of methodology or investigation feedback given on 3 reviews
  • 10pts Timely response to feedback
  • 5pts. Timely response to upvotes

For the final submission:

  • 10pts. Is the CWE appropriate?
  • 20pts. Is the opening description written in plain English in a way that an average 2nd-year computer science major would understand it? Note: just parroting the NVD description is not usually good enough.
  • 20pts. Is the VCC filled out, is it a valid commit hash, and is it not a simple refactoring?
  • 10pts. Are there interesting commits and subsystems noted? Or, is there a good reason stated that there weren’t interesting commits? (i.e. is there evidence that the student did this part?)
  • 20pts. Would the Mistakes Made section be useful for a future student or industry practitioner? Do we have a better understanding of why this vulnerability started, was missed, and was fixed?


We have an in-depth walkthrough of finding a VCC in Chromium/V8 below in CVE-2011-3092. You won’t need to dig into Chromium for that, but the Git commands will be useful to you. We also add new curations as further examples. We also have examples from the systemd project.

Linux kernel: CVE-2021-28950

For Fall 2022, we have a new example in CVE-2021-28950. We will go over this in class. Link is here

systemd: CVE-2013-4327

For Fall 2021, we have a new example in CVE-2013-4327. Similar process as the ones below. Link is here. Feel free to also peruse other (now merged) pull requests to get a sense of our expectations.

FFmpeg: CVE-2017-14054

In Spring 2021, we added a new example. You can see an FFmpeg vulnerability curation pull request

To do this curation, we used the following Git commands on the command line in the FFmpeg source code repository

To look at the fix to better understand it:

git show 124eb202e70678539544f6268efc98131f19fa49

To understand what an “IVR” is and what this code is doing in general, we looked at the most recent version of this file by opening up libavformat/rmdec.c in a text editor and reading the comments.

To figure out what commit introduced this vulnerability, we used this blame command:

git blame 124eb202e70678539544f6268efc98131f19fa49^ -- libavformat/rmdec.c

The fix impacted lines 1223, so we looked at changes around those lines and found that the VCC was (maybe) 35bbc1955a58ba74552c50d9161084644f00bbd3.

To see if this made sense as the origin of this vulnerability, we did:

git show 35bbc1955a58ba74552c50d9161084644f00bbd3

The code wasn’t just a refactoring, it actually introduce the functionality that eventually was found to be vulnerable. So we agreed to keep the VCC here.

Other commands that were helpful in looking at the history:

To summarize lots of commits between the two over the WHOLE project

git log --stat --decorate 35bbc1955a58ba74552c50d9161084644f00bbd3..124eb202e70678539544f6268efc98131f19fa49

To summarize the commits to this file in the lifetime of the vulnerability:

git log --stat --decorate 35bbc1955a58ba74552c50d9161084644f00bbd3..124eb202e70678539544f6268efc98131f19fa49 -- libavformat/rmdec.c

Vulnerability from Chromium: CVE-2011-3092

Here’s an in-depth example done by Prof. Meneely on CVE 2011 3092. You can see his final YAML file.

Understanding the Vulnerability

The first thing I did was to read the CVE entry for the vulnerability to make sure I understood what it was. I then looked up anything I didn’t know.

For example, I learned from Wikipedia that Google’s V8 engine is their Javascript engine and it’s the same engine they’ve had since the beginning of Chrome. V8 is also used in a bunch of other products, such as NodeJS and Electron.

Next, I followed the links from the CVE entry to bug 122337. I read the description and comments. I made some notes on how it was discovered (via LangFuzz), and that everyone involved had Google email addresses. I answered those questions in my YAML and made some other notes about how it was found.

I also noted that the bug had “Blink” as its “component”, but the description said “v8” as the subsystem. I began looking at the differences between the two, and decided to go with v8 as the subsystem. Blink is a massive rendering engine, so v8 would be more specific.

I also started making more notes for my final “mistakes” question report.

Correcting the fix commit record

In this situation, we did not have a fix that was linked from the CVE. We had some data here from a prior study that we collected automatically, but it turns out it was wrong. So I had to find the fix myself. Hopefully you won’t have to do this part, but it’s instructive anyway.

I cd’ed into my Chromium source tree and ran the following commands.

First I tried:

$ git log --grep="CVE-2011-3092"

Sometimes you get lucky and they mention the CVE in the commit message. I was not so lucky.

Next I tried searching commit messages for the bug id:

$ git log --grep="122337"

The commits I got mention a code review with that number, but no BUG= clause that mentions this fix.

Next I tried searching for “invalid write” in the commit log and scrolled through to look around the dates when this was fixed.

$ git log --grep="invalid write"

No such luck.

It was at this point that I realized that V8 is actually a separate project for all kinds of things (as I stated above). It actually has its own repository, which I cloned and began my searching there. For your vulnerability, don’t go beyond the Chromium repository - this one is just an example.

I re-ran the above searches with no luck. But, I did notice that person who patched the bug, Erik Corry, was on several commits. So, I examined commits around the time that the vulnerabliity would have been patched (April 12, 2012).

$ git log --before=2012-04-15 --stat

I used the --stat here to show the files that were changed because maybe they would show me some information about what was changed.

Sure enough, I came across this commit:

commit b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b
Author: <>
Date:   Fri Apr 13 11:03:22 2012 +0000

    Regexp.rightContext was still not quite right.  Fixed and
    added more tests.
    Review URL:

    git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00

 src/                    |  9 +++++++++
 src/regexp.js                    | 16 +++++++++-------
 test/mjsunit/regexp-capture-3.js | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

I went to the code review URL for this commit and took a look at the test case. The test cases in regexp-capture-3.js match almost exactly to the ones found by the fuzzer in the bug. We found our fix! I updated my CVE YAML file with the new fix commit hash (b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b).

I also updated my CVE yaml file with an answer to the unit testing question - it’s clear that this code was tested prior to this vulnerabliity, but it was also not fully tested as they had to add a new test case in fix it.

I should note that this particular fix was rather difficult to find. Hopefully you won’t have to do so much work to find your fix, or that the fix we automatically found for you is correct.

Finding the Vulnerability-Contributing Commit (VCC)

Next, we need to find our VCC. Looking at our commit, we have three files were impacted:

  • src/
  • src/regexp.js
  • test/mjsunit/regexp-capture-3.js

Given that the third file is clearly a test case, we do not need to trace its history. The vulnerability doesn’t exist in test cases, only in production code. So we will be tracing our VCCs on the first two files.

Let’s take a look at our commit more closely. Using the command line, we can do this:

$ git show b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b

This gives us this output (I’m abbreviating for just the first file…)

commit b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b
Author: <>
Date:   Fri Apr 13 11:03:22 2012 +0000

    Regexp.rightContext was still not quite right.  Fixed and
    added more tests.
    Review URL:

    git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 93287ae..699b368 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -204,6 +204,15 @@ macro CAPTURE(index) = (3 + (index));
 const CAPTURE0 = 3;
 const CAPTURE1 = 4;

+# For the regexp capture override array.  This has the same
+# format as the arguments to a function called from
+# String.prototype.replace.
+macro OVERRIDE_MATCH(override) = ((override)[0]);
+macro OVERRIDE_POS(override) = ((override)[(override).length - 2]);
+macro OVERRIDE_SUBJECT(override) = ((override)[(override).length - 1]);
+# 1-based so index of 1 returns the first capture
+macro OVERRIDE_CAPTURE(override, index) = ((override)[(index)]);
 # PropertyDescriptor return value indices - must match
 # PropertyDescriptorIndices in

What you see here is a diff, or a code difference from before the commit to after the commit. Anywhere you see a + sign is code that was added, and - means deleted. We have no lines that were deleted in this example.

Now, looking at this code, you can see a few things going on here. First, to fix this vulnerability, we’re defining a bunch of new methods. And that’s ALL we’re doing here. At this point you need to ask yourself: was there a security mistake made here? Or was the mistake made elsewhere and the fix was required to be here? Will we be able to point to a moment in time in the history of this file where a mistake was made?

In this situation, we’re going to answer “No”. Since the code is effectively a header file, the security mistake was not here. It’s really in the logic that needed these extra checks. So we’re going to cut off our VCC search for src/ and continue to src/regexp.js

That being said, header files can have vulnerabilities in them. They can have wrong constants, wrong default, poor configuration, and many other problems that are the vulnerability. In fact, we have seen vulnerabilities where the fix was only modifying a constant. So don’t ignore header files without looking at your unique situation.

Ok, let’s get back to src/regexp.js.

$ git show b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b

…abbreviating to show you what I’m looking at…

diff --git a/src/regexp.js b/src/regexp.js
index eb617ea..7bcb612 100644
--- a/src/regexp.js
+++ b/src/regexp.js
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ function RegExpToString() {
 // of the last successful match.
 function RegExpGetLastMatch() {
   if (lastMatchInfoOverride !== null) {
-    return lastMatchInfoOverride[0];
+    return OVERRIDE_MATCH(lastMatchInfoOverride);
   var regExpSubject = LAST_SUBJECT(lastMatchInfo);
   return SubString(regExpSubject,
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ function RegExpGetLeftContext() {
     subject = LAST_SUBJECT(lastMatchInfo);
   } else {
     var override = lastMatchInfoOverride;
-    start_index = override[override.length - 2];
-    subject = override[override.length - 1];
+    start_index = OVERRIDE_POS(override);
+    subject = OVERRIDE_SUBJECT(override);
   return SubString(subject, 0, start_index);
@@ -349,9 +349,9 @@ function RegExpGetRightContext() {
     subject = LAST_SUBJECT(lastMatchInfo);
   } else {
     var override = lastMatchInfoOverride;
-    subject = override[override.length - 1];
-    var pattern = override[override.length - 3];
-    start_index = override[override.length - 2] + pattern.length;
+    subject = OVERRIDE_SUBJECT(override);
+    var match = OVERRIDE_MATCH(override);
+    start_index = OVERRIDE_POS(override) + match.length;
   return SubString(subject, start_index, subject.length);
@@ -363,7 +363,9 @@ function RegExpGetRightContext() {
 function RegExpMakeCaptureGetter(n) {
   return function() {
     if (lastMatchInfoOverride) {
-      if (n < lastMatchInfoOverride.length - 2) return lastMatchInfoOverride[n];
+      if (n < lastMatchInfoOverride.length - 2) {
+        return OVERRIDE_CAPTURE(lastMatchInfoOverride, n);
+      }
       return '';
     var index = n * 2;

This code looks like we had some faulty logic. In several methods, there’s a base case check at the beginning of the method that needed correction to check a boundary case. Let’s figure out what commits contributed this faulty logic. Notice how the diff has these cryptic lines:

@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ function RegExpToString() {
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ function RegExpGetLeftContext() {
@@ -349,9 +349,9 @@ function RegExpGetRightContext() {
@@ -363,7 +363,9 @@ function RegExpGetRightContext() {

These are called hunk headers. The top of each hunk tells use where the diff begins and ends. In the first hunk, it starts at line 296 on the old file. Now the next few lines are unchanged to show context, so we’re really looking for line 299 on that first hunk.

Now let’s use a Git tool called blame (or if you prefer the nicer word annotate - same thing). To see what this looks like, take a look this link. It’s the blame output on the web version of this code. Git blame will go through an entire file and show you the last commit that touched a given line. This lets you figure out how mistakes may have been originally introduced.

Now, it’s important that we look at this historically, meaning, we don’t want to look at this today but at the time of the vulnerability fix. So that means we need to include our fix commit in our command. Furthermore, we need to look at the “commit just before the fix”, otherwise we’ll just see our own commit fix in the blame. Git uses the ^ symbol to indicate “the commit before”. So our Git command look like this:

$ git blame b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b^ -- src/regexp.js

We get a ton of output. Sometimes Git blame can be very slow. Like, minutes. If that’s the case, you can limit your blaming to just the lines you need. See the git blame docs for -L.

Here’s an abbreviated output for me:

43d26ecc src/regexp-delay.js (christian.plesner.hansen 2008-07-03 15:10:15 +0000 293) // Getters for the static properties lastMatch, lastParen, leftContext, and
43d26ecc src/regexp-delay.js (christian.plesner.hansen 2008-07-03 15:10:15 +0000 294) // rightContext of the RegExp constructor.  The properties are computed based
43d26ecc src/regexp-delay.js (christian.plesner.hansen 2008-07-03 15:10:15 +0000 295) // on the captures array of the last successful match and the subject string
43d26ecc src/regexp-delay.js (christian.plesner.hansen 2008-07-03 15:10:15 +0000 296) // of the last successful match.
43d26ecc src/regexp-delay.js (christian.plesner.hansen 2008-07-03 15:10:15 +0000 297) function RegExpGetLastMatch() {
0adfe842 src/regexp.js       (         2010-04-21 08:33:04 +0000 298)   if (lastMatchInfoOverride !== null) {
0adfe842 src/regexp.js       (         2010-04-21 08:33:04 +0000 299)     return lastMatchInfoOverride[0];
0adfe842 src/regexp.js       (         2010-04-21 08:33:04 +0000 300)   }
912c8eb0 src/regexp-delay.js (     2009-03-11 14:00:55 +0000 301)   var regExpSubject = LAST_SUBJECT(lastMatchInfo);
912c8eb0 src/regexp-delay.js (     2009-03-11 14:00:55 +0000 302)   return SubString(regExpSubject,
912c8eb0 src/regexp-delay.js (     2009-03-11 14:00:55 +0000 303)                    lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0],
912c8eb0 src/regexp-delay.js (     2009-03-11 14:00:55 +0000 304)                    lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1]);
9da356ee src/regexp-delay.js (        2008-10-03 07:14:31 +0000 305) }

The few lines that are most relevant to us are 298-300. In commit 0adfe842 (short for 0adfe842a515dd206cb0322d17c05f97244c0e72), we found that someone wrote that original if-statement and did not check the boundary case for our vulnerability. That’s our first VCC.

Well… maybe. Sometimes people fix whitespace in one commit. Correct warnings. Rename stuff. Re-order methods. There’s lots of refactoring that can initially look like a VCC. So I double-checked that this was a meaningful commit using git show 0adfe842 and found that, yes, it was introducing new logic. So, yes, I’m convinced this is our first VCC.

I recorded 0adfe842a515dd206cb0322d17c05f97244c0e72 as a VCC. You’ll notice that this commit occurred nearly two years before the fix came. That’s pretty average for vulnerabilities. Mistakes last a long time, even in big systems like Chrome and V8.

At this point I go back to my blame output and find the other commits for the other hunks. I found one and double-checked one other VCC. So my VCCs are:

  • 0adfe842a515dd206cb0322d17c05f97244c0e72
  • 498b074bd0db2913cf2c9458407c0d340bbcc05e

I recorded these in my YAML file.

I think it’s interesting that these two VCCs were close to each other in time, and they were committed by the same person. I’m going to record that in my final “mistakes” report.

There you go! That’s how you find VCCs! It’s a tedious process at first, but it speeds up once you get used to what you’re doing. Some researchers have famously automated this process, and it’s been in wide use in the mining software repositories academic research community. The only difference in their approach and ours is that we made some pruning of our search based on our expertise of unit tests, header files, and other coding knowledge we have.

Here are some VCC Guidelines:

  • VCCs don’t exist where a header file is just defining new function names.
  • VCCs don’t exist in automated tests
  • VCCs don’t exist in obvious refatorings. If your git blame shows you a commit that was clearly a refactoring, then run blame from before your refactor commit and keep going.
  • VCCs are often in the original code that was committed to the repository (not the case for this examples, but it’s often the case)
  • When in doubt, include the VCC.

Looking between VCC and Fix

Next, we need to do some more research on what happened between our two VCCs and fixes. We’ve determined that the mistake was in src/regexp.js, so let’s look at what happened between the 2010 dates and 2012 dates with that file.

The 498b074bd0db2913cf2c9458407c0d340bbcc05e was the earlier commit, so let’s just look at that one:

$ git log --stat  498b074bd0db2913cf2c9458407c0d340bbcc05e..b32ff09a49fe4c76827e717f911e5a0066bdad4b -- src/regexp.js

Some notes:

  • Don’t forget the -- between commits and the file name. It’s a parsing thing with Git
  • I used --stat again - this will tell me if huge changes hit lots of files at once. Very handy.
  • I limited to one file. I recommend doing one file at a time for this part.

The output gives me ~20 commits over a two-year period. So there was some work, but not tons of work when you think about how much code churn you’ve created in projects you’ve worked on. I perused these commits looking for interesting changes to investigate. Here are some interesting commits with my plain English summary of what happened, that I put directly into my YAML:

  • 1729e3c0ddf0c7a0f912ef38355d38afe284bf04. They worked on changing the responsibilities between the Javascript side and the native side. This is pertinent because that seemed to be the source of the breakdown of our vulnerability: the Javascript assumed the native code had more checks than it did. Following up and reading the code review, they reference “offline” discussions - so this is probably mostly a co-located team within Google.
  • 0f682143d9a50441188ae09cbd669f5389e44597. They worked with some memory management issues on the native code in this commit. No code review for this change, but it was a very large change on the native side, with some changes on the Javascript side.
  • e1458503d13cbcc20ae619a1a4d6d0be9cb74bfb. Tons of code removed for this commit, related to how caching works. No rationale was obvious from the documents, but it was a very significant change code-wise.

With all of this information, I wrote up my final report in my CVE-2011-3092.yml.

Example for Chromium: CVE-2013-6665

Prof. Meneely has done another example for you to reference. You can read about it in CVE-2013-6665.yml

Common YAML Questions

Does indentation matter?

YES! Indentation has semantic meaning. Imagine YAML as if a Python person was redesigning JSON to be more human-friendly.

What is with the pipe character?

This is a literal block, which means that newlines are preserved. Again, indentation matters here too.

Should I use string keys or symbol keys?

For example, commit: or :commit:. Keep with what was written in the file. We tend to be flexible toward both. We prefer string keys.