
We consider the Course Expectations to be part of the syllabus.


There are no books to purchase for this class. But, you will be doing a lot of internet research on documentation.

Grade Breakdown

Item %
DB Project 15
DB Practicum 15
Backend Project 15
Backend Practicum 10
Frontend Project 15
Frontend Practicum (Final) 15
Tech Quizzes 15

Grading Letter Breakdown

Grade Percentage Range
A 93+
A- 90 <= x < 93
B+ 87 <= x < 90
B 83 <= x < 87
B- 80 <= x < 83
C+ 77 <= x < 80
C 73 <= x < 77
C- 70 <= x < 73
D 60 <= x < 70
F under 60

Rounding is at the discretion of the instructor.

Late Work

Do not assume that any accomodations will be made for late work without discussion with the instructor or TA.

Iteration: 48-hour, max 85% policy. For an individual iteration in a project, we will allow you to submit your work up to 48 hours late. We will then grade it as normal, giving a maximum of 85% (we will tell you what your grade would have been if it wasn’t late so you still get feedback). Depending on your specific timeline, you might not get credit for items like “responding to feedback” if everything is done all at once at the last minute - we will use our discretion. We also reserve the right to end this policy for you if you invoke it too many times and it becomes a habit. We will only apply this policy if you tell us to. Please tag your code the way that we asked you to (see project instructions)

Project: late grade, max 75% policy. Same as above, except every class project will have a later deadline (usually right before the next project starts) for the entire project. We will regrade any iteration that received a 75% or below, and that grade will max out at 75%. Again, see the project instructions for how to tag your code for invoking this policy.

Other than the above, policy for late work will be handled by the instructor on a case-by-case basis. Please note that the spirit of these policies is to help those who fall behind and give you a reason to finish the project instead of cutting your losses.