Metric Tracking and Reporting


Estimated vs. Actual effortWill help us refine our estimation precision. Can be used either at the project level or at greater levels of granularity (individual features)
Effort by ActivityShows us where we're putting effort - analysis, design, documentation, testing, etc. - and how that changes over time. Helps us track our methodology.
Effort by feature/requirementAssists us in planning increments, especially in the implementation plan. Gives us an idea of our team's productivity and how many features of the application we can promise to complete.
Effort by page of documentationUseful when scheduling project artifacts and due dates. Easy to collect.
# of changed baseline requirements / # of baseline requirements"Requirements churn"; a measure of how reliable our requirements are, and where to allow for change in our design.
Reported Defects / TimeHelps us measure product quality and how long the testing phase will last.
Fixed Defects / TimeHelps us measure product quality and how long the testing phase will last.


EffortHours worked on spreadsheetRequired. Low; requires 5 minutes per day or so.
Effort by activityActivity noted on spreadsheet as wellLow; spreadsheet will be open anyway.
Number of requirementsCount in SRSNone; information readily available.
Number of changed requirementsDate and number of changed requirements updated after each changeLow; requires discipline in tracking changes to requirements.
Use cases completedDefinition of explicit functional requirements in SRSMedium; methodology may not necessarily support counting requirements or "features"
Number of defectsDefect status ("Open", "Closed", etc), date of status change.Medium; requires use of defect tracking tool and discipline in reporting all defects through the tool.

Effort per Page

15DEC2012: GoodShipAces has reported 73 hours of effort across the life of this project, and has generated 38 pages of documentation and other material.

This leaves us with a metric of just under 2 hours of effort per page generated, which will be useful for future planning efforts. This metric will change over time, since more effort is spent editing existing documents and making revisions than is spent in generating new ocntent overall. As more metrics become available from weekly timesheets as well as specifics covering what document effort was dedicated towards, this number can also be expected to become more accurate.